Category: Tales of the Mundane
Sometimes I read books that are smarter than me. I do not feel smarter for having completed them. I feel dumber for not understanding. That is all.
Thursday, Sept. 13, 2018 Local Elementary School serving as Polling Place 7:42am Voting Booth Worker: Excuse me! Hello! Are you the woman on TV with the car? Me: Um…? Who? Voting Booth Worker: The woman from TV! It’s a commercial and the lady says, “look at this car” and then you go “ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!” Me: Oh,…
Monday, Sept. 10, 2018 Midtown office building 5:33pm Fire Marshall over PA: We’re going to be doing a few tests on the fire alarm system here in the building so please ignore any and all audio and visual signals you may see. 5:36pm **man engulfed in flames frantically runs through the office screaming** **everyone in office…